US Senate vote in favor of advancing Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court

Judge Brett Kavanaugh could get Justice Brett Kavanaugh over the weekend, from the point of view of things, the Senate voted 51-49 in his favor.

Late Republican Susan Collins of Maine and West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin was the last obeslutna end boards of her Friday in voting and voting with "Yes" despite claims to advertise that sexually Kavanaugh övergrepade women already decades ago.

Senator Jeff Flake, a Republican who has asked the FBI Training Kavanaugh, also has "yes". Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican Alaskin, will not vote, but she is the only Republican she wants.

The final vote on Kavanaugh is scheduled for Saturday.

Kavanaugh's trial in court seemed undefeated until mid-September, when Christine Blasey Ford threw him dronligt her in a boarding school later in 1982. Two other women in a locked room sexually assaulted, with sexual abuse in 1980, which Kavanaugh denied.

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