North Korean Hackers Group Unmasked by FireEye

A group of hackers are reportedly responsible for the myriad of money the bank has lately commissioned to finance North Korea.

According to a recent analysis by the computer security firm, FireEye uses the APT38 group in addition to the Pyongyang hackers who are dealing with alternatives far more financially oriented than those specializing in the spy network.

APT38 is responsible for a significant number of Höfprofilatackerna on the creation of money in recent years and the $ 91 billion that Bangladesh's 2016 financial organization was associated with the breach of a 2017 attack by a bank in Taiwan.

While North Korean hackers are likely to have been publicly linked to such attacks, the FireEye report provides a detailed insight into group technologies, stating that he was fully prepared to reach multiple bank lifts.

Raise funds for the North Korean regime
As the North Korean capital came under increased pressure from international sanctions, the APT38 worked behind the scenes to raise the regime's money. Overall, the cluster tried in accordance with FireEye worldwide steal $ 1.1 billion in monetary facilities.

Sande Joyce, VP of Worldwide Intelligence at FireEye, provided more information on the APT38 business and said:

"They make bank robberies as criminals, unless they use secret work techniques, they take their time, they sit in the system, they understand the method, the peculiarity of this group is that it uses malicious code" when money is stolen from a company and covers Not only their tracks, but also to distract the defender complicate the method of response to accidents and the time to push the door. "

Fourye is also halfway to another group of North Korean hackers calling a worker. As each team shares malicious software and resources, the APT38 operations are more global and specialized in the monetary sector.

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